
Le spiagge dello sbarco

Lo sbarco del 6 giugno 1944 sulle spiagge della Normandia è la più grande operazione anfibia e aviotrasportata di tutti i tempi. Ancora oggi milioni di persone vengono a visitare questi luoghi carichi di emozioni.
Utah Beach | Omaha Beach | Gold Beach | Juno Beach | Sword Beach

D-Day: The Beaches.

Operation Overlord was the codename for the Allied invasion of northwest Europe. The assault phase of Operation Overlord was known as Operation Neptune. This operation, which began on June 6, 1944, and ended on June 30, 1944, involved landing troops on beaches and all other associated supporting operations required to establish a beachhead in France
Utah Beach | Omaha Beach | Gold Beach | Juno Beach | Sword Beach

Omaha Beach

Gold Beach

Sword Beach

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